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Digital transformation of quality system

Integrated Intelligent Quality System (i2QS) software for handling quality management system and accreditation standards implementation.

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All Management levels
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All Time
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No Paper Work


About Us

Astrix was established in 2014, based in Cairo, Egypt.We provide a complete consultation and software solutions to the healthcare organizations in order to enhance the provided services and to facilitate the process of quality management system implementation.

ASTRIX Our solutions and services comply with the national and international quality and accreditation standard/s as well as the applicable guide lines.

Why Choose Us


ASTRiX team has a long experience in process enhancement, workflow, software development as well as quality and accreditation. We are committed to collaborate with our customers to be a partner in success and for seeking for excellence.


We aim to be a leader service provider that support the integration of the healthcare processes and quality system implementation through digital transformation.


ASTRiX is a service provided in the field of software and consultation services related to healthcare sector.


Explore our products


IQPS is an integrated, intelligent and customized software can be applied to implement the quality management system in the healthcare organizations.

    IQPS ensures and maintains that:
  • Total digitalization of QMS and accreditation requirements
  • Compliance with quality and accreditation standards.
  • Integrity of the quality management system.
  • Data security and confidentiality.
  • Saving time during the implementation, data collection and analysis.
  • Easy handling of QMS Documentation and implantation.
  • Providing accurate reports at all levels of management.
  • Customized based on the scope of services.
  • Applicable for all quality and accreditation standards.
  • QMS implementation with No paperwork.
  • Enhance the managing and supervising for more than facility/site/units.
  • List the required tasks for the authorized person.
  • Develop and automate the process of handling the timely base records with active alert and notification.
  • Provide accurate reports at all levels of management (KPI analysis).
  • Implementation process is based on the international Guidelines.
  • Cover all QMS elements.
  • Dynamic configuration.
  • Including a search tools for easy use.
  • Maintain the integrity of QMS.
  • Maintain staff communication and handover.
  • Minimize the number of quality team.
  • Confidentiality of data.
  • Some modules can be connected/added. (LIS, IQC, Inventory, …etc.).
  • Alert for Scheduled tasks and Notification for needed actions as well as escalation for delayed tasks will appear to the relevant person/s to take the required actions based on the access limits and privileges.
Examples for: Alert (timely based task)
  • Regular maintenance activities.
  • PPM and Calibration.
  • Action follow up.
  • Audit conducting.
  • Periodic staff assessment.
  • Periodic document revision.
  • Auditing.
  • Assessment and KPI.
Examples for: Notification (when needed actions)
  • Orientation for a new comer.
  • Event notification
  • Add corrective action for NC.
  • Document approval or review.
  • Complaint investigations.
  • Assigned action.
  • Participation (meeting, training,…etc.)
  • Delayed activities
  • Automate and develop the process for creation, review, amendment and disposal of all organization’s documents and to ensure that only current, authorized editions of applicable documents are used and unintended use of any obsolete document is prevented.
  • Document review and change cycle that comply with the quality standards that maintain the tracking of document life cycle in the QMS.
  • All document in the QMS will be linked with the relevant item in the implemented accreditation standards within the organization.
  • Any documents can be linked with more than accreditation standards and a cross reference with related standards item can be easy initiated.
  • Enhance the process of record implementation through interactive screens based on organization data base. Each staff will be noticed to implement his/her activities as needed. Cumulative required repots will be automatically generated.
  • Access to records include 12 directories of that based on the framework developed by CLSI Guideline.
Purchasing and Inventory
Facilities and Safety
Process Control
Customer Service
Occurrence Management
Process Improvement
Documents and Records
Information Management

Each directory includes some of integrated and interactive screens that support the implementation on the QMS based the organization process.

  • IQPS includes at least the following List of automated records that are embedded in to the 12 directories and initiated by individual staff for example:
  • Occurrence variance reporting (OVR)
  • Request to Referral lab/consultant
  • List of vendors & suppliers
  • Vendors & suppliers evaluation
  • Complaint investigation
  • Corrective/Preventive Action Request
  • KPI records
  • List of auditors
  • Internal assessment records
  • Instrument files
  • Safety and IPC forms & checklists
  • Facility inspection
  • Risk assessment
  • Improvement projects.
  • Document change request
  • Meeting Agenda
  • Minutes of meeting
  • Meeting Assignments
  • Training Plan
  • Training needs and request
  • Orientation and introduction plan
  • Competency Assessment & appraisal
  • Training Effectiveness
  • Job description
  • Ethics and Confidentiality Code
  • Staff suggesting
  • Regular preventive Maintenance Plan
  • Maintenance & Calibration
  • Occurrence variance reporting (OVR)
  • lab and IQC records

Note: each person has access limits for a specific authority either for use or view.

Cumulative reports are automatically generated by IQPS per department or site during period of time and based on the customer requirements customized, for example:

Corrective / Preventive Action Log
Equipment Calibration plan
Equipment event and downtime
Equipment maintenance plan
Complaint investigation log
Facility and utility inspection plan
Facility and utility maintenance plan
Scheduled tasks History and status
KPIs log and statistics
Master list of active Documents
Assessment summary reports
QC/PT Failure log
Meeting Assignments and action follow up
Drill reports
Drill reports
Action plans

Charts & Graphs for analysis or comparative means are automatically generated by i2QS per department or site during period of time as well as and based on the customer requirements customized, for example:

  • Occurrence variance/Non-conformity analysis (status, Severity, relevant standards,…etc. )
  • Complaint (status, source, relevant dep,…etc. )
  • Incident (Type & status)
  • KPIs
  • Current implantation status
  • Involved staff in implementation
  • Customized Dashboard

About iLab-LIS

Real time collaboration

ILAB LIS empowers users to store information on a protected Database server which drives around as a focal vault. Users can access and offers their information continuously with their associates over different research centers utilizing any internet ready gadgets.

Simply configurable

ILAB LIS is intended to convey adaptability and measured quality. The vigorous design enables user to create work processes, reports and application to meet your labs one of a kind necessity.

Data Security

Security of research data is the topmost requirements of all labs. encourages secure access of your information 24 X 7.

  1. Innovative Solutions, Reliable Customer Service and Trusted partner in Client’s Success.
  2. Handling standalone / chain of labs and all
  3. Provides solution that brings 10x operational efficiency and improves bottom line.
  4. Generates trends, reports, authentic and perceptive examination utilizing effectively available chronicled information with customized dashboards for pathologists, clinicians and end users.
  5. Compliance to framework guideline and rules laid by statutory and accreditation bodies.
  6. Interface with better of breed instruments in uni-directional and bi-directional mode.
  7. High performance handling for multiple instrumentality processing at the same time.
  8. Highly user-friendly access with minimum coaching.
  9. Rapid deployment and Delivery method. Best Support and issue resolution process for minimum business downtime.
  10. Easy to use interface with quick adaptability with the system use “What you would like is what you get
  1. Complete Revenue Cycle Management (RCM) with Corporate Billing.
  2. Simplified Patient Reporting for Diagnostic and Lab Reporting.
  3. Easy integration to health standards like CPT and LOINC Codes.
  4. Reporting portals for Patient, Doctors and Corporates.
  5. ü Increase accuracy of reported data
  6. Reducing the cost of reporting data and getting sample results in ILAB LIS faster.
  7. Automatic and instant transfer and processing of data from clinical instruments
  8. Increase efficiency by 10X.
  9. Eliminates Transcription errors
  10. Avoids Data Redundancy
  11. Complete Audit Logs of Data Transfer

card logoBusiness Analysis

Business Requirement Study of Current Scenarios and processes with master's configuration training.

card logoProduct Configuration

Product configuration as per business requirement study and masters importing.

card logo Product Deployment

Onsite Product Deployment and Training to identified Key Users.

card logoEnd User Training

End User Training will be conducted by Key Users and thereby product acceptance.

card logoParallel Run

Dry run of the product and understanding the competency of end users.

card logo GO LIVE

Ready to Go Live with ILAB LIS software .